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March 25, 2006

Think you're hip? You sure aint Hirp

So, let me tell you a little about KC. This stupid cow town. Went out with some friends tonight and we left one bar to head over to the latest "hot spot" down on the Plaza. Some place that I'm told is kinda Vegas, NY, LA-ish. Get there at 1:15, my friends beat me cause I parked over at my place and walked down. So by this time there's a little line and my friends are in. Now everyone in line is asking the bouncer about "Brian" I guess Brian thinks he's a somebody. Or these jackasses think he is. Okay, club rule. When everyone in line is asking about the same guy you no longer have a connection. You just spend too much time here, go join AA. Boucner isnt impressed, its to the point two of them are actually making fun of people. Club rule #2, you aren't that swank of a place when your bouncers are clowning the patrons.

So finally at like 1:30 they say ok, they can come in. Gee, thanks. But they wanna charge the guys a $10 cover. Wait, you wanna charge me $10 for 30 minutes? You're mom doesn't charge that you fucknut. Did I mention up to this point there's been NO cover at all. So I know I'm not getting a drink in 30 minutes, not with all these drunk sluts lined up at the bar looking for a guy who is pretedning daddy's BMW is his. You think this is really that cool of a place? Such a "urban" vibe, and I won't feel like I'm in KC? Well for starters, $10 wont get you into friggin McDonalds in Vegas. You can't even get in the line for the line for a club in NY for $10. And LA? $10 gets you in to the hottest spot in Compton. So take this $10, shove it right up your ass and get a papercut. So I left. Not like $10 is a lot of money. But give me a break. I can save the dime and go write a post ripping you idiots instead. Now, aren't you glad I did?

By the way, name of the place is Blonde. I'd bet money they're gone within a year.


Porqchop said...

Bitter Hirp is back! And you're right... last time I was in Vegas we had to pay the bouncers a $15 seat fee in addition to the $40 cover to get into Cheetas. Now that's a cover!

Gregg said...

Very valid points sure. BUT, I actually like to goto a bar just to hang out with some friends and have a few sometimes. Getting shit faced isn't my goal. And with the bars around here, I dont need a ride home, it's all walking distance. No DUIs are given for stumbling in Kenneth Coles. They are however given for swirving in a Mazda.

And ridiculously drunk people annoy me. A bar full of people who have a nice buzz, good times. Drunken frat boys and sorority chicks, drinking themselves till they puke. Not cute.

Also, probably twice as many girls between 18 and 20 in those college town bars. Wait, I thought I was gonna say something negative, turns out that's probably a positive.

Porqchop said...

Never actually seen NRJB take a drink.. or put on any Kenneth Cole. I'm sure when K. Cole finally makes a "Vote For Pedro" shirt, NRJB will be first in line!

Porqchop said...

Never actually seen NRJB take a drink.. or put on any Kenneth Cole. I'm sure when K. Cole finally makes a "Vote For Pedro" shirt, NRJB will be first in line!

Gregg said...

Didn't know you paid so much attention to what I wear. Do you have a chart at home? Played poker with Hirp, wore this Napolean T and X Jeans..btw, what I wear when I play poker, actually not what I wear going out.