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March 22, 2006

"We got to pray just to make it today"

Last night went to dinner with a couple of friends, and one friend told a story I just gotta share.

Dana was at work and stepped outside to smoke, while out there he ran into a patient he had seen a few minutes before. She asked him if he would mind if she prayed for him to quit smoking. Now understand this, Dana hates to be touched. A fact that has provided me with GREAT ammusment for the past 7 years. He flips out from a pat on the back. And goes nuts when I slap his ass. Not gay, just funny. So yeah, I guess its gay but gay ha ha. anyway.

Anyway, he says sure. Thinking maybe she'll be saying one later that night. Oh no. This woman kneels down next to him, puts her hand upon him and starts to pray outloud. I wish there could have been a camera to catch this. For starters, I cant imagine how I'd react. It's not like she was cute. Sorry, this makes a difference. But even if she was. You're gonna put your hand on a stranger, and pray for them, in public?

Just one more reason gun control laws are a good thing


Gregg said...

But Dana is already so going to hell. This is a guy who used to walk around saying "fat people, hard to kidnap"

Gregg said...

Hard to hide too

Gregg said...

Okay, I'm here till 7 kids. We gotta do something to pick up the pace here. Quit working, entertain me damnit..please..

Gregg said...

I'm fairly certain every friend I have, is going to hell. So I'm glad. Should be a pretty good time.

Gregg said...

Jess claims to have nothing to write about, that she can only leave comments. But how can someone full of so many comments, not have something more to share? I think you do, you're just scared. We wont laugh at you. Okay if we do, you wont hear it:)

Gregg said...

Ya see, those rants, the ones I've heard go for a solid 10 minutes? Great blog material. You would totally have a bad arse blog. So get to it yo

Gregg said...

What do you want, I'm a guy. 10 minutes, 2 minutes. I cant judge time.

Gregg said...

So for the next 2 hours I have to answer this help line we have, and everyone else is pretty much gone. Plus all my work is done. So if the phone don't ring, I got nothing to do. And even if it does, I talk fast enough to end the calls pretty quickly. Hope you're not busy at work

Porqchop said...

what's the number of the help line so I can call you?

Gregg said...

Honestly. I dont know. its a number for time warner to call us..but calls are monitored..imagine having a job like that? What kind of sick soul would get paid to listen in on customer service calls?

Porqchop said...

the same type of sick soul that answers customer service calls. this all smack of some kind of government job security scheme. we need someone to answer the calls, we need someone to monitor the person we needed to answer the calls. would surprise me if they're not also footing the bill for the person making the customer service call. what a racquet.

Gregg said...

Doesnt Jen monitor customer service calls?

Gregg said...

53 minutes left..go and pick up Godfather, and play that past my bed time

Porqchop said...

she may... listening out of the side of her mouth.
enjoy the game. itching to play that one!

Gregg said...

Id offer to bring it over but I dont want your 360 to slum it with a regular ol X Box game

Porqchop said...

i think we're on to something with "backdoor chat".. we could all retire stinking bilionaires! (and you could hang with the Laurie's Jess)

Gregg said...

Well then you shouldnt have been so busy with work and been posting instead..all done, going home..