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August 04, 2006


It’s finally Friday, that took longer then expected. I’d love to some day here a logical explanation for why time sometimes feels different. Some days it flies by, some hours drag on for days and I can’t even come close to wrapping my head around why that is. I know this though, today is going to be a long one. See I kinda forgot to take the Ritalin this morning. And it’s totally not my fault, I’m house sitting again and it totally messed up my routine. I’d give you a few more reasons why it’s not my fault but I’ve decided to spin around in my swivel chair for a few minutes.

Okay, I’m back. And a little dizzy. I really don’t have any one topic today, friggin ADD, so we’re gonna go with some completely unrelated thoughts.

*Mark McGwire is on the ballot for the Hall of Fame next year, and I haven’t a clue if I think he should go or not. Biggest reason to vote for him, he never failed a test. He looked like an idiot in Washington DC but who doesn’t? He was a baseball player, not a lawyer. And cheating in baseball, it’s really part of the game. Much like lying is part of being a lawyer. How many guys in the Hall doctored the ball, or used too much pine tar or broke other rules? Cheating is cheating right? Isn’t that why a President was impeached? But you gotta draw a line somewhere right?

*World Trade Center comes out next week. Here’s another case that I have mixed feelings on. I think it’s important for most of the country to see, to remember and understand what happened that day. But, if the widows and family members of people who lost their lives that day are against it, shouldn’t we respect those wishes? Maybe it’s just too soon. No clue but, I’ll have my review on here next Thursday.

*Went and played in a free poker game last night and well, seeing a mullet just makes me happy. All I want to do is sit these guys down and ask them why, for the love of god why. And then I want to thank them.

*I think schools should go back to using good ol’ chalkboards. Talked to a friend that’s a teacher recently, and I don’t care if the dry erase board is cleaner. It doesn’t have the same sound or smell, and a real chalkboard always looked so inviting when it was good and clean. Plus you could always give someone a big white mark on the back of their black shirt with the simple toss of an eraser.


Porqchop said...

So... probably not the best day to go see a movie with Hirp... good things Herps II is likely to have little or no plot...

Gregg said...

Oh but watching Hirp fidget for 90 minutes is entertaining all by itself

Porqchop said...

Depends on what he's fidgeting with...