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August 16, 2006

No Chirp

Last night was poker night. Sunday is the day I look to forward on a weekly basis but, every third Tuesday is what I count down to every month, for it is Poker Night. See, I’m in this genius league, a fantasy league set up some what like a fantasy sports league/real poker league. We have a monthly tournament, in which points are given for where you place as well as some cash. And at the end of the year, the top 8 in points get to play in a Championship Game. The winner gets a nice sum of cash, a beautiful trophy their wives will never allow to on public display, and shit talked on them for a year. It’s the Bad Beats crew.

So last night was our game for the month, and I went there in bad shape. In 17th place out of 21 with only four events left. It was time to get some points or face a second year in a row without an appearance at the Championship. And in all honesty, I’ve played pretty well this year. I’ve earned, and deservingly so, a reputation for having mini-meltdowns. Basically, there was always one or two hands I’d totally over play and screw myself. This year I haven’t really done that. After each tourney I felt I played well, just either got out played or didn’t get the right cards. Last night I got off to a decent start. For the first 45 minutes or so I was pretty quiet. Finally I began to pick up a few hands, nothing big though, but I started getting a stack. I’m not sure when or how but that stack grew to what was probably the second biggest stack. And then it happened. Porqchop beautifully played a hand, while I was totally bluffing at a hand I had no right being in. He slow played, and nearly earned an Oscar for his Heath Ledger like performance, quads that he got on the flop. I thought I was done for.

This was followed up soon after by another stupid call, this time against a guy we have given the endearing nicknames of Bradasow and Devil Down, in which I doubled him up. But since I had such a good size stack at this time, it didn’t cripple me. Soon we were down to the final eight and I was still in good position. Now I’m starting to think about that if I don’t get stupid, I can actually take some money home. And just a few bucks and some nice points is all I’m thinking about. A little cash for Vegas, and maybe a chance to play at the big kids table at the end. And well, as much as I believe poker isn’t true gambling that it is indeed at the very least somewhat a skill game I also know you aren’t winning a tournament without some form of luck. And I got lucky. I thought the one called Bradasow was bluffing, and since I had a decent (at best) hand with plenty of outs, I called a raise. The river came giving me a nut straight, and he went all in, I called and some how my nemesis was beaten. That took the field down to five, and I was in fantastic shape. I don’t recall the rest of the hands only I took out James, a participant in the 2006 World Series of Poker, in a hand where my pocket jacks went up against his ace-jack. I also got lucky with knocking out the third place finisher, I was in a blind and had to call his all-in with an two over cards and a gut shot straight draw. Hit the straight on the river and it was down to two.

Fred and I have played in some free games at a local bar, as well as many lunch games at my place when I had week days off. Normally he scares the hell out of me, he insists he only plays premium hands but it’s complete bull. I had him out chipped like 4:1, he made a raise pre-flop which I called. I hit top pair with a king kicker, and he had a flush draw so he went all-in. I called and my pair hit, making me the winner for the night. Did I play well? I think so. Did I get lucky? No question. Maybe it was karma, maybe it was the fact that I nearly didn’t even play since my niece and nephew got into town last night. And if they had a flight that came in before 10:30 I probably wouldn’t have played, so I probably have to spend some of the money on them.

One other highlight was aRoyal Flush I’ve which is the second seen in person, that’s just too cool.


Anonymous said...

Nice work Hirp! I'm glad to hear that you ended up winning. Something about getting knocked out by the eventual winner just makes me feel a little bit better! Thanks again to all of you guys for letting me play, I had a great time!


Porqchop said...

Was there a hand you didn't have jacks on at the end of the night (@ss). And... so happy to be on the losing end of that Royal Flush you so enjoyed. Still, nicely done Hirp.

Anonymous said...

I want to make sure, for posterity's sake, that everyone knows you sucked out on me. I don't think that is clear enough in your recap, you s.o.b.

Gregg said...

Well, I did have 9 outs.

Porqchop said...

Sucking out on the Devil... I know the repercussions from a Christian perspective, but how does that play in Judaism?

Gregg said...

I dont know, I thought we were the devil. We have horns you know. How else could we run Hollywood and cause all the wars in the world?

Porqchop said...

Good point. And you play cards a lot like Bradusow... so you have to be related! I'm sure he'll be happy to give you a ride to the next Klan meeting... uh family reunion in Salinas.

Gregg said...

Could be worse, could have said I play cards like you.

Porqchop said...

You wouldn't want to be that unlucky...