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August 09, 2006

Wal-mart: Sofa King We Todd Did

I’ve never been a Wal-Mart shopper. I mean there have been a few occasions that I ran in to pick up something, or get some DVDs cheap. It isn’t that I’m a snob and above shopping there, although I admit I like some brand name stuff they simply do not carry, it’s just not a good shopping experience. Long lines, bad customer service, dirty stores and fact you are guaranteed to see some lady in a moomoo shopping with her NASCAR apparel wearing kids. That isn’t easy on the eyes.

But Wal-Mart is a huge company, so they do something right. They must, right? Let’s see, it is affordable. That’s a plus. And um, well to be honest that is it. But they know this, and market themselves that way. They don’t try and tell us it’s hip to shop there. Just that it’s smart. I must say all the credit should go to their ad agencies. Ah but I see a future, and it’s a great one. I see a future without Wal-Mart, moomoos or Dale Jr hats. Seems Wal-Mart has decided to go a different direction with its advertising agency. I see it going one of two ways; they try to be hip and cool or basically they try to be Target. Or they dumb it down so much; they end up mocking and alienating their customer base. I can see a little Sam Walton cartoon character, speaking all redneck to America, embarrassing their customers. Or some smart and savvy ads that suddenly make it look like another Target, and if you want Target you just go there. The end is near.

And this is great news for America. Sure it’ll be a hit the economy. We’ll rebound from that. It will be great because, we have the Wal-Mart of Presidents in W, and another like him can’t survive in a Wal-Mart free society. We shop at Wal-Mart because the ads make it sound like such a good idea, that it’s just like you and me. We voted this idiot in with the same mentality. Now we can go back to dreaming big and chasing down the American dream. They had a nice run but, they just sunk their own ship.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Preaching to the choir brother Hirp!