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May 24, 2006

American Hirp

I was gonna leave this alone. Really, I had every intention of doing nothing here. Then I read this quote "I'm living the American dream." That's what I read Taylor Hicks, the new winner of American Idol, said after being named winner. Really, that's the American Dream? I guess it is. We're all about short cuts now. But enough already. Look, Clarkson has turned out okay. She's got a good sound, great look and actual talent. Really, they all have talent. And they should all be on Broadway or touring with some play.

I don't watch the show. Not because I'd have something against Simon putting people down, hell that part I'd actually enjoy. I just don't like the entire premise of the show. What happened to writing some music, getting your ass out there and touring and promoting yourself? Build a fan base, drop a cd, make a video. And then become a "pop star." I also won't say what they do is easy. I'm sure it's hard. To put yourself out there to fail on tv isn't something simple, like the inside of a Tigers head. But, it's still a short cut. And maybe it's because I have some very gifted musicians in my family who haven't made it huge yet that I feel this way. And you know what else? The biggest problem with music today is it's too cookie cutter. Too controlled by the record companies. These people celebrating a shitty record contract only furthers "the mans" cause. If the show lasts another three years, it will be brought down by a Bonds-on-roids level scandal, mark my words.

As for Taylor, I've heard him a few times. The guy has a great voice. But, I don't see him having a big career. He's a great cover artist but I really don't see America suddenly loving soul music. Don't believe me? Watch 40 Year Old Virgin again and tell me if you disagree with Paul Rudds rant about Michael Mcdonald. "Soul" is great. But don't tell me he's bringing it back. Fact is, he's bringing it back for white people. And he wont bring it back any more than Marc Broussard did.


Porqchop said...

What's your American dream?

Gregg said...

Like anyone else. To have something really horrible happen, yet captured on video..turn it into a book deal, maybe a miniseries..end up on a reality tv show

Porqchop said...

But you don't watch reality tv.

Gregg said...
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