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May 08, 2006

Aw Nuts!

Well crap. I didn't think this day would come. Not until I was married anyway. But, in my defense I am man enough to own up to this and it's not easy.

But I need to turn in my testicles. Not sure who I turn them into. Again, I thought this day wouldn't come till I got married. Anyone know the process for this? Porqchop? Let me explain what happened. See, I heard all this hype. How everyone was doing it. Everyone loved it. And I almost never cave. I never watched an episode of Lost. Tried half an episode of Alias. Even watched the first couple episodes of Desperate Housewives. None of those got me. My balls stayed in my pants. But since I'm house sitting, and without my movie collection and video games. I decided what the hell, rent it and see what you think. It has a pretty good cast. Always thought Isaiah Washington was highly underrated. So I did it. I rented the first season of Greys Anatomy. And fuck. I like it. A lot. As much as House? No. Although it has it's own angry and sarcastic doctor. More than one.

I heard all these comparisons to ER, which I never really liked. And it's better. It's funny. Even if every time Patrick Dempsey is on the screen I think of the movie Loverboy. And I realize that is gotta be the gayest thing I've ever said. Oh this is awful. I mean not that there's anything wrong with that.

And perhaps more reason. Might as well say it before Porqchop does. See, that's a lot of our friendship. The pre-emptive comments to keep the other guy from making certain jokes. But he'll say I have to turn in the testies for clearing things up with a friend. Is he right? Quite possibly. So maybe he can put my balls up on his mantle. That way they can sit next to, and dwarf, his.

Ps- On a serious note. More serious than ball lopping. Congrats to Shoepho who was engaged this past weekend. And use your own means to take Brads off.


Porqchop said...

ShoePho... congrats. Hirp... you had no balls to lose.

Gregg said...

Do you really wanna talk about my balls again? You know you remember them. From all the times I slapped em on your forehead.