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May 17, 2006

The Century Mark

Lately I've felt like Barry Bonds. My eyes on a large number that hovered over my head, a number that when everything started I never even imagined hitting. And as I got closer, it ran from me. But here it is. And I think this may be my lock to the Hall of Fame. For today, I hit 100 posts on here. As it sat on the horizon, dancing, taunting me I just didn't see myself thinking of a topic worthy of the big 1 double Oh. Till today and reading a friends myspace page.

See, it was something harmless. She used a Poison song for her music. Now that in itself can be something used to ridicule her but I'm going to avoid that. For now. What got me was that this is part of a trend. A very long and on going trend that needs to be stopped. No, I don't mean hair bands. Those have been stopped. I mean this epidemic if you will. There are just too many damn kids running around frontin like they're children of the 80's when truth is they are children of the 90's. So good ol' Hirp here is going to run down a few things to help you all figure out if you are actually a child of the 80's or a sucker of the 90's. (note I said child, this is by Webster-hirp definition someone who could walk and talk and think for themselves. A human who was aware of their surroundings and what was going on in the world around them)

-If you remember where you were when the Challenger exploded, you're a child of the 80's. And if class was actually stopped for every space shuttle take off prior to that, you're a child of the 80's.

-You had a TV and no remote control, only 13 channels and a vcr that didn't record and yet you still had the latest in home theatre. Then you're a child of the 80's.

-You're first game system was an Atari, then its 80's. Nintendo and you're a 90's kid.

-McDonald's burgers game in Styrofoam containers and there was no warning of the coffee being hot. 80's. McDonald sells salad, 90's.

-The ideal cover for your denim 3 ring binder was Van Halen's 1984 ALBUM cover, 80's. If you only ever had a trapper keeper, 90's.

-5 1/4 floppy disks, turtle, commodore, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego, and Oregon Trail all mean something to you.

-ESPN and MTV had no chance of lasting, 80's.

-Movie special effects took some actual effects and weren't just computer programmed.

-If you listened to New Edition, 80's. Bel Biv Devoe, 90's.

That's just a few things. Really it's like this: If you were born in the late 70's and maybe as late as 1980. You were a child of the 80's. After that, you really didn't know what was going on till probably 87ish and didn't care till 90. So you're a child of the 90's. I get why you kids don't want to be. The 90's sucked and most of all sucked for kids. Just as I know people my age who have a longing for all things 70's, that's fine. But if we're going to label people, let's just do so correctly. Class dismissed, see ya in another 100 posts.

1 comment:

Gregg said...

Right, child of 90's.