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May 19, 2006

Good times. Good times.

No lie, I'm a light weight. I have no shame in admitting it and hell, I'm happy about it. I've never been a big drinker, kinda think that's just fine. Didn't drink at all in high school, I mean literally AT ALL. Or really in college, not that I was there all that long. And I didn't like beer till I was like 25. Just never liked the taste, even now I think it's just okay. I'm not one of those guys who has a beer with dinner, or chills out on the couch watching a game with a beer. It's an occasional thing for me to drink one, and not very often that I'll go out drinking. So the fact that I never really drank much, I never built up much of a tolerance. Along with the fact I'm a light weight as in, I weigh at the most 140. It doesn't take much for Hirp to get tipsy.

Not one to brag but, drunk Hirp is pretty entertaining. It's kind of surprising. Sober I can be a bit bitter at times, no I mean it. So one might think I'm a shitty drunk, or get pissy. Total opposite. I'm just a happy, talkative, smiley drunk. And last night was no different. You figured this was going some where right? Met up with some old friends from my LC daze, er days. Yes, we went to the Falloon. Where, surprisingly the waitress actually remembered me vaguely from my trip there last month with V, HirsCh, and Sarapearl. Totally cool chick by the way. Who claims to have a boyfriend but, we'll get back in there sober one day and find out the truth. Anyway, last night it's me B, T-Mac and a different Sarah. All former LC folk, all who have a strong dislike for those in charge there now. So, from time to time we like to get together and celebrate the fact we're not there any longer. Now going into last night, I had no real intention on getting drunk. Thought we'd sit around, watch some ball. Check out some girls, and the Plaza was crawling with them last night. Now don't go getting your hopes up, this isn't really some great story. It's just a recap of the night. Otherwise I'd have nothing to post.

And the MVP of the night was Sarah. Beating out the cool, cute fun waitress. Sarah goes and talks to this party of very cute girls and ends up bringing four back to our table mainly for T-Mac and I, since B is happily married. To a Doctor no less (he's my fucking hero too) Turns out these cute creatures are KU sorority girls out celebrating one of them turning 21. That was the, "shit I feel old" moment of the night. All very cool chicks. The one I ended up talking to was studying to be a speech pathologist. The fucking irony huh? I need one, if you've heard me talk you know this to be true. And insurance doesn't cover it. I offered to be her senior thesis. Anyway, they had to go take care of their very drunk friend before going on to Blonde. And I think we know how I feel about that fucking shit hole. But did that stop me from sending over shots to their entire table? No. Oops. Know when you're playing poker, and you're down for the night but you're having fun so throwing away more money on a pot you really can't win doesn't bother you at the time? No? Well, I'll tell you the feeling of that is idential to my buying them shots. With the same, "why the fuck did I do that feeling?" that sets in after you get up from the table. Only this came when the bill was staring at me, calling me an idiot. Buying Sarahs drinks for the nights as her MVP award, was probably my Isaiah Thomas "I'm playing with monopoly money" move of the night. But without question, good times. Good times.


Porqchop said...

So... did you get digits? You're so money.

Gregg said...

waitress said she has a boyfriend, sorority girl said she doesnt give out her number ever so I said ill take a fake one and she gave me one.have to call it later to see if its pyramid pizza or something