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May 03, 2006

More shots from the Hirp

I don't really have much to post today. So just some random thoughts, and brief updates. Cause, you know, I think people are actually reading this with an interest in the world-o-Hirp.

First, something else people do to piss me off. Ever been behind a car, and they just can't seem to find the gas pedal? Just drives you nuts right? Now take that same jackass, and you finally get by them. Doing something around the speed limit instead of their 15 miles under. And you passed them a good 5 miles back. Suddenly, there they go. What the fuck?! How did they suddenly figure it out? Why wouldn't they have figured this out back when I was banging my head on my steering wheel and considering jumping from a moving vehicle. Just on principle, they should be shot. Maybe not killed. But one in the knee.

Now my update. In reference to a previous post where I asked if I should get this explanation I felt I was owed. I got it. Woohoo. One for Hirp. Was it satisfying? Well, to finally get it was nice. Didn't seem to change anything and give us a nice ending. Or at best a happy ending. But, happy to not have left things un-said. Really hate that. Good or bad, right or wrong. At some point it's gotta be said or I'll lose my hair. Ah, that explains it!!!

Last thought of the day. Saw a car ad on TV last night, and they were bragging about the horsepower and the overall feel of the ad was supposed to be what a great car for a road trip. Are you out of your ever loving mind? It was a beast. All I could think was, it'd be cheaper to stay at the Bellagio then take a road trip in that thing. Same thing that our beloved porqchop drives. But anyway, maybe it's time for advertisers to change the message? Like, crappy mileage but big enough you're whole family can actually live in it. So, you know, you can like afford to fill the tank without that silly mortgage getting in the way.


Porqchop said...

It's actually more than my mortgage....

Gregg said...

Well, it is a pretty small house.