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May 15, 2007

Sunday Recap

*Do not read unless you have watched this weeks Sopranos episode

Finally watched “The Sopranos,” and saw the event everyone was talking about. Before I get into that, I have funny little story to tell. I got to work this morning and asked my friend if he had seen it, he had so I told him about how I saw it online that “Tony killed Christopher,” and two women within ear shot simultaneously said “What?!” So um, err oops. Karmas a real bitch.

Anyway, I can’t say I was surprised that Christopher was off’ed. It was just too obvious that he was the greatest threat to Tony, so they gave him the spotlight the week before as a find send off. Which now leaves us back to wondering who and how, Tony will be brought down. We’re seeing more of AJ, and just how unscrewed he is. He seems fascinated with violence, but not exactly violent himself. He’s a complete follower, who I think could start feeling that he needs to make a name for himself. I could see how the pressure from his friends using his name, but his lack of action could lead him to reach for attention. Killing dad would get more than enough attention that he so craves. But he’s an idiot, and he’d totally screw up any attempt he might make on Tony. So he’s my long shot now. Phil and New York have become the “too obvious” choice, and we haven’t seen much of Bobby lately. I think we’re supposed to forget about that conflict, and I still believe that’s going to be the grand finale.

One thing has sat wrong with me though. In the previews for the final three episodes, they flashed through faces of all the major players. Only one face didn’t really fit the montage, Meadow. She hasn’t been heard from much, so she’s my wildcard. She’s that team that heads into the NCAA Tourney with little fan fare, but has all the pieces to make a real run at the title. If only everything can come together at the exact right time. And she doesn’t have Bill Self running the show.


As for Entourage, I love the twist. The boys buying the rights to Medellin and producing a big budget flick will be a blast to watch. I’m thinking “Project Greenlight” only without Ben Affleck and Ari playing the role of Chris Moore. I wonder though, how the hell does Vince have any money? Seriously, between agent, manager, accountant, public relations, the cars and other toys, the house and his complete lack of money management skills there is simply no way he could have a dime to buy a pack of gum, let alone the rights to a movie. Someone much smarter than me, needs to break down his finances.

My next question is this: In the HBO Universe, how close did Johnny Drama come to running into Tony Soprano at the Grand Canyon? Couldn’t Drama play Christopher in the biopic he was undoubtedly working on prior to his death? He’s too old for the role of AJ, and Vince is too big of a name to play just a Captain and physically not big enough to play Tony.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Was kinda hoping for a little more dramatic wacking of Chistopher..little disappointed myself