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July 17, 2006

And just like that, I’m back. Took a long weekend and went to Chicago, saw some friends, a Met-Cub game, and drank some beers. I didn't however end up throwing up all over the city or sleeping in a bathtub. Thus making for a successful trip. Funny how things look when you grade on a scale. Seriously, I love that town. It has great energy, awesome architecture and it really does have a manageable feel to it. Where as New York, which I still feel is the superior city and the best in the world, can be a tad bit of an overload. Chicago is big, it’s exciting and I think the greatest thing is each neighborhood has well, such a neighborhood feel. Friday night we were in Lakeview (pretty sure, V will correct me) and we hit this great neighborhood bar. Not even a quarter full on a Friday night and everyone was just really relaxed. Most bars here, you’d see the bartender and waitresses stressing over the lack of business. Or they’d be looking across the street at some other bar to see if they were busy. So in the whole where would Hirp move to conundrum, Chicago is at the top of the list. One draw back. If I moved there, I’d get rid of my car (this is good) but then I wouldn’t have a way to get to the casino in Gary to play poker (this is bad). Serious, that’s an actual thought I had. 888-bets-off right?


But now I’m back in KC. And it’s hot. It was hot as all hell in Chicago, like 98 at the ballgame on Saturday. But this morning I hopped online to check my mail and the weather forecast has 101 for tomorrow and 102 for Wednesday. That is just f’in ridiculous. Also, it was 5:30am and it was already 81 degrees. What is this, Arizona? No, know how I know? This isn’t a “dry heat.” No, this is humid and cruel heat. And I want to file a complaint with someone. Seriously, there’s no reason for it to be this hot.


Most upsetting on going “sports” story is without a doubt the ‘round the clock updates about Barbaro. Today he’s “comfortable.” You can not be serious. It’s a fucking horse. I get he did some impressive things and it’s sad that he broke his foot and might be turned to glue soon. But it’s a horse for crying out loud. ESPN shows press conferences with doctors telling us a horse is comfortable. This is nuts. I’m sure he’s real comfortable being made to sprint while some midget on his back slaps and kicks him to make him go faster. Bet that’s real comfortable. There is actually a story on and a quote that reads “Barbaro in good frame of mind.”

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