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July 18, 2006


Imagine if you will, and you will because Hirp just asked you to, that you’re a golfer. And you find out one day that a guy you played golf with on multiple occasions just played in a PGA event. But wait it gets better, he also made the cut. Now you don’t necessarily remember if you out played him but, you’re pretty sure you won at least a few holes. That’d be some cool shit right? Well, I am Tiger Woods. Okay, no I’m really not. But I just found out that a guy that used to played poker with the group I play with on a regular basis just played AND placed in a World Series of Poker event winning nearly $6,000.

It has been probably two years since we played together and I don’t really remember anything about those games in any great detail, other then he was a really nice guy. I never got the feeling that I couldn’t play with him. So, that’s a bit of confidence builder I think, and also gives the Bad Beats Crew some serious street cred. Like,there’s other poker groups out there that now fear us. Fo’ shizzle dizzle. We ridin’ dirty. Seriously, if we were a rap clique, we just had a guy get shot. Now, you should probably know that the event was a $2,000 No-Limit tourney and he placed 63rd. And I also know I’m a long ways away from being able to do something like that but, one day I would like to. For starters I couldn’t afford the buy in, or right now the ticket and hotel. And I remember him as a bright guy, so I don’t think the threat of losing $2,000 as something that would break his bank. The lesson there: always play within your bankroll. The single most important rule a poker player, or anyone, can learn. And one more poker lesson that translates so well into every other situation in life.


Gregg said...

James, thanks for the recap. But I'm pretty sure you guys are banned from any future games. But seriously, great story and sounds like a great time. One day.

Porqchop said...

Agreed... even though you'll likely kick our collective asses now... you're welcome to play in the league any time!

Gregg said...

Sorry I dont remember playing with you but, I do try to block out who I gave money too. Email em to me,