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July 20, 2006

Shopping for chicks...

So yesterday I went shopping for a birthday present for my daughter. Well, she’s not really my daughter. It’s a friend of mine’s kid and I just claim ‘em as mine. Anyway, I’ve noticed this before when shopping for presents for my nieces but, it is impossible to buy for a girl. It starts right away, and never stops. But, it’s not like when they’re adults and you can almost never get the right gift or a big enough gift, no for little girls its just twisted. You can’t find a good gift cause all the little dolls like Barbie are all whored out. Seriously, they have these friggin children’s toys wearing skirt so short that if I saw someone my age wearing it, even I wouldn’t date her.

Mid-riff baring, pouty lips, school girl uniforms it’s fucked. Yes, I’m gonna catch shit for noticing. Someone’s gonna say I shouldn’t be in the toy section anymore. Let them. But then try and buy a gift for a 3 year old girl without seeing it. Boys get soldiers, cars, action figures from movies, hand held games and all sorts of cool shit. Girls get things that will help then discover bulimia. Or encourage them to start a family. Yeah, because what you really want is a 4 year old who can’t wait to be a mommy. Being that kids are so patient and all. Big shocker when 12 years later they’re popping out baby #1. It's not that I'm old fashioned. But the rules are different for people I know and care about. I don't want my nieces, or friends daughters dating till they are 35 or I'm dead. Whichever happens last. This isn't even a joke. This is however probably a solid reason I shouldn't have kids.

Option three is always some sort of kitchen. This just continues on the idea that women should be housewives. Wait, yeah I’m okay with that.

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