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July 07, 2006

Another top 10

So I haven't posted much lately. Has Hirp just been really busy leading an exciting life? Um, not so much. Works been, well work. Last couple days there's been network issues so I've literally spent hours just playing on the internet. And in that time I haven't found anything worth mentioning.

Anyway, when I got home yesterday LA Confidential was on. Great flick. Then I remembered talking with some movie fans in the late 90s about the best movies of the 90s and how this was near the top of the list. And since we're now on the second half of the current decade I decided it was time for a top 10 list.

10 Snatch.
9 High Fidelity
8 Gladiator
7 Mystic River
6 Requiem For A Dream
5 Traffic
4 Hotel Rwanda
3 Kill Bill Vol 1&2
2 The 25th Hour
1 Memento

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Dude... Mystic Cry Me A River was absolute pooh. So overrated!