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July 26, 2006

HIghRP Times

It's a good thing I've never been high. This has nothing to do with it being illegal or unhealthy. No, it's much more individualized. See, I tend to oh, over analyze shit. Perhaps you could even say obsess. Just a tad. Anyway, as I've said before I believe in odds. And well Mr Chuck Klosterman has totally put that idea on its head and spun it around.

He has his own theory, which I'm getting to, that he first talked about in Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs. Didn't really shake anything up for me at the time. But it did make me think. And as I'm reading Killing Yourself To Live, he has once again mentioned this theory. And well, I'm totally in awe.

Here it is. 50/50. For everything. Something will, or it simply won't happen. Take baseball, guy comes to bat and he's a career .300 hitter. Does that mean there's a 30% chance of him getting a hit? According to Chuck, no. He will, or he won't. It's 50/50. A friend of mine believes the world will end, if not in our lifetime in our children's lifespan. Now I can think that's a bunch of bull. But, wait. Chucks right. It will, or it won't happen.

See as I had been mulling over a move to Chicago, I had even given myself some percentage on the chances of it actually happening. Some how I came up with it being a 40% chance that I'd move to Chicago within a years time. But Chucks right, I will or I won't. I dated a dame or a while, and in my head again (based on gut not any real math) I had it down as 60% I married her. Again, I think that Chucks 50/50 theory comes into play.

I'm not entirely buying into this. Not yet. I mean, going to college does increase the chances of landing most jobs. But it sure is giving me some food for thought. Which brings me back to why it's a good thing I never smoked the pot. From what I hear, you tend to over think shit. And I do that just fine clean and sober. Now crap, I gotta go find some lunch. Sure am hungry.

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