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July 03, 2006

Rated: FUC by H.I.R.P of America

Meaning, FOR YOU CONGRESS. Or, if you prefer you can change the first word to something else. Anyway, I just read a story about Congress getting their panties all in a twist because a Christian movie, "Facing the Giants" was rated PG isntead of G due to religious content.

"This incident raises the disquieting possibility that the MPAA considers exposure to Christian themes more dangerous for children than exposure to gratuitous sex and violence," Blunt said in a letter to MPAA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Dan Glickman.

Um, in my opinion you're damn right exposure to Christian themes, and for that matter any relgious themes, is as dangerous if not more so for children then sex and violence. For starters, we can prove sex happens and violence occur. And both happen a whole lot in Gods name (well sex may not happen in his/her name but it sure is brought up a lot during) Either way you slice it, all three issues should be left between parent and their kids. And if a movie needs to be flagged so the parents know the content, how can that be a bad thing?

Mainly because so many parents would just see a G rating and think that it just had a nice harmless story, with perhaps a good message. But not every parent thinks a Christian message, or any other religious message is "good." Or at the very least, a subject they want anyone talking to their kids about.

I think trying to slip the bible thumping in under the rader of a G rating is a scandalous manipulative move. And I'm just happy my people are running Hollywood and put a stop to this horse shit.

Look, do I think they had some malicious intent? No. But if they want to claim they want parents to know what their kids are seeing, they should welcome a PG rating. If that PG rating makes some parents hesitate for a split second and find out what the movie is about, how can that be a bad thing? It's only bad if they are trying to be manipulative.

And Congress wants to cry about violence and sex? Maybe we should keep kids from watching the news. Stories about how you assholes have us in a war we can't win, and how often do I see a story about one of them in some extra marital curriculum. Nevermind keeping the kids from the news, keep me away from watching the news.

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