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July 20, 2006

The Church of Hirp

So, I think I’ve decided to open up the Church of the Hirp. Not that I think I’m God or really for any reason other then boredom. Being that I don’t know, well a friggin thing about starting a Church, this may not be all that well thought out. I figure I need my own Ten Commandments and my own seven deadly sins. Really, I don’t see need for much else. So, without further ado.

Hirps Ten Commandments: (in no specific order)

1 Thou Shall turn ringer off in movie theatre
2 Thou Shall not say “fiancé.” Ever.
3 Thou Shall not kill they neighbor without justification
4 Thou Shall reciprocate
5 Thou Shall swear often
6 Thou Shall nap, not just on the Sabbath either yo
7 Thou Shall not gank from friends
8 Thou Shall never stab a friend in the back
9 Thou mother and father shall be responsible for their rugrats, then kids shall respect ‘rents
10 Thou Shall not rat

Hirp Seven Deadly Sins

1 Catching runner runner
2 Cheering for the Yankees or MU
3 Jumping on bandwagons
4 Wearing Zubaz or Moo moos
5 Mullets
6 Wrath, minus the anger and hatred
7 Pride

Signs of the Hirpacoplypse
A fiancé from MU who loves the Chiefs who loves high fives and is never ready to pay.

Shea Stadium


George W Bush

Sports Guy

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