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July 12, 2006


Well now it's gonna get political up in here, up in here. I was doing some channel surfing last night, which for the record should be in the next Olympics, and I ran into good ol' Donny Deutsch. His guest was Mrs Anglo Coulter. Oops, I meant Ann, honest mistake I swear. Anyway, I don't know if you've heard what this deranged chick is saying (and in this case, that's actually not redundant.) Basically she has personally attacked four women who were widowed on 9/11.

These four women, whom she claims call themselves the Jersey Girls, have been some what vocal and public with their anti-Bush feelings. Pretty American right? The right to free speech, kind of a big fan of that one. Anyway, Ms. Cunter damn typo I meant COUTLER, feels that if these women are going to exercise that right she and other republicans have the right to respond. That point, I do agree with. But, to personally attack them? To call them the "witches from East Brunswick?" C'mon. Have SOME class. I get you're republican but try to act with SOME class. I'm not saying they get a complete pass. They choose to voice their opinions on the President and the war, and in interest of the country, the other side should voice theirs. But without personal attacks and without grand standing.

No, they get a pass from that. Just as the families of soldiers who were killed in combat should get a pass from some asshole like Fred Phelps. These are the families of people who lost their lives, the law doesn't require you to give them a pass. Decency requires it. You can disagree with them, just do so respectfully.

Are these women she speaks of maybe enjoying the lime light to a point it makes us a little uncomfortable? I don't know, maybe. About as much as James Brady after he got shot by Hinckley and President Clinton later passed the Brady Bill.

This isn't the only personal attacks made by Coulter. She called Monica Lewinsky a "fat Jewish girl." What the hell? Look, compared to aneorexic Coulter, you might call Monica fat. And yes, she's Jewish. What do either one of these have to do with shit? Sure a lot of us just wish Bill had better taste, in fact I heard Monica said the same thing(rimshot). She also referred to former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis as "The Greek midget." Again, yes he's short. And yes he's Greek. So what?? I guess I respect her for not hiding behind a white hood but, I don't think the Klan lets women join the ranks.

Seriously, watching this ho bag talk gives me a similar reaction as when I see Phelps or Falwell speak. I just wanna hit em. Only this one I wanna punch right in the ovary. And I think it's funny she tries to use her looks to manipulate. Really, she's not attractive. Is she skinny and blond? Yes,and she even wears really short skirts and heels. Which you'd think all adds up to be some hottie right? Well, she's whiter then my ass. Really, this chick is pale. Like a white sheet. Her face? She actually looks like John Kerry. Not his daughter, no she looks LIKE John Kerry. Only without courage, and intelligence.

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