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July 13, 2006


Did you see the movie The Perfect Storm? Yeah, it was the hugely disappointing George Clooney Marky Mark movie. Well, I have a theory related to that movie. Not about why it was such a let down. No, something a little more relevant. See, I happen to believe that anyone, and everyone is capable of pretty much anything. Under the right, or in many cases, wrong circumstances. You, me, your neighbor, your husband, that one guys wife and everyone in between.

Everyone has a breaking point. I think we can all agree on that. And see my theory is that if all the right things, go horribly wrong just about anything can happen. Meaning, wife is yelling at you on just the wrong day. Maybe work stuff, maybe a whole string of other things are going on at that exact time and you hit your breaking point. You'd never do it in your right mind, and you've never been a violent person before. But you raise your hand to your wife. Horrific? Yes. But I think anyone is capable of it. It doesn't excuse it, not for a second. And I also think, again depending on the circumstances, it is something that people can work out. Counseling, maybe a night in jail but, it can be worked out and one day forgiven. If all parties involved want that and are willing to work for it.

It's not just losing it and hitting your spouse that I think everyone under the sun is capable of. I mean, murder, infidelity, road rage, a drunk driving charge, striking a child or even rooting for a team that is usually your most hated rival.

Now this isn't the end of my theory, which comes from watching too much CourTV, A&E, NYPD Blue, Third Watch and who knows which movies. See, the other part of this is when it gets scary. If any of these things happen a second time, I can almost promise you a third and most likely a fourth time.

Have you seen a serial killer interviewed? They all say how hard the first one was and that after the second one it gets easier. And any guy that hits his wife twice, will one day do it again. I don't have a time table for this. I'm not saying within a year, or three. And it doesn't even have to be the same wife. How many parents have lost their cool and slapped their child? Some do it, and it seriously hurts them more then the kid and they make sure to never do it again. Some do it and what they realize is they can do it and they end up using it as a "parenting" method. Which is right up there with, "I drive better drunk" in the arena of complete bullshit.

And as with all things, I believe it's a matter of the odds. Studies show someone growing up in a violent household is more likely to continue this cycle. That doesn't assure it of happening, it just increases the odds. Someone can grow up in a house full of hippies, they still have a breaking point and are fully capable of something so regrettable.

Now, there's a flip side to this coin. If everything is lined up, and another "perfect storm" comes along, I think everyone is capable of greatness. Of being a hero. And again, anyone can do something great and selfless once. And when it happens a second time, I'll promise you a third. What makes this all even more confusing, is you can do both. Because really, we all have greatness in us just as we all have a dark side. So there you have it, discuss.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

You. Scare. Me.