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July 10, 2006

Old enough to know better, young enough???

So we've all heard of a mid-life crisis right? No, I'm not there. Not yet. Although I am looking forward to dating a 20 year old. Occasional I think I might be headed for a quarter-life crisis but, chances are I'm not about to do anything totally out of character. Cause, well that just wouldn't be me.

But I tell ya, this aging thing, the shit happens over night. How's that for two horrible puns? Anyway. I'm being serious. I don't know when it happened exactly. I've always had a good memory (it's not failing me..yet) but, now I actually have conversations and am able to say "well 20 years ago," and I vividly remember whatever it is I'm referencing. Even 25 years back. This sucks dude. Recently I saw some high school shit, I mean kid, wearing a class of 09 tee shirt. So, you mean to tell me when I was a senior this kid was 4 years old? Get the F out! Oh god, I just threw up in my mouth. I just realized my niece is class of 2010. Wait another goddamn second. 2010? Did I just say something about the year 2010 and this isn't sci-fi? See, that's the crap that makes me feel old. 2010 isn't supposed to be a real year. I shouldn't see that on a calendar, only in the beginning of some futuristic movie.

And yet, I really haven't matured at all since I turned 18. My hairline has. My bills have matured (some literally.) Tell ya something else that made me feel old. This happened a few years back. Friends starting getting married. WHAT?! Wait, it gets worse. Some starting having kids. KIDS?! People my age having kids and there parents are thrilled and not threatening to castrate someone over it. This is just bizarre. What's next, I should get a 401k? Crap, I have one.

Here's a sad sign that goes along with this. I was talking to a friend a few weeks back, and we were talking about it's pretty hard to meet girls these days. And both of us said how we're at the age now where there will be a sudden jump in the newly single, freshly divorced women. Seriously. It went from wow, I can't believe I'm old enough that the majority of my friends are married. Feels like just yesterday (and no it wasn't, another stupid restraining order) I was at KU freshmen orientation and they said to look to your right, and then your left and that one of those people wouldn't be back for their sophomore year. Wait, crap! I was that kid.


Porqchop said...

I'd definitely recommend persuing the "second-time-around" women as mentioned... it worked for me (and they've typically already given the ex your hair and my waist lines).

Gregg said...

And hopefully taken half his money..thats my goal