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July 05, 2006

What the hell does it take Dubya? How could such a huge move not cause you to react IMMEDIATELY? I saw you on tv yesterday, sweating like a pig. Why didn't you send some troops to handle this crisis?

No I'm not talking about that hobbitt in Korea lobbing missiles around Asia like well, like Dubya would. It's this mess in Jersey. Bad enough they had to close send home all these government workers without pay. But when you close a casino, you've gone too fucking far. And Atlantic City? What did Worm say about the poker room at the Taj? "Where the sand turns to gold."

And Mikey Mcd's response "fuck it, let's go."

Let's understand something. New Jersey sucks. Minus Tony Soprano, nothing good has come from Jersey. It is without question, the armpit of America. But it is home to Atlantic City, and all those casinos. And in those casinos are many poker tables. All of which are just sitting there today. No one raking back some bit pots, no bluffs. No horrible bad beats or smooth calls. No tilt or slow playing. Just sitting there like any normal table. Making Jersey even more of a waste land, and I didn't think that was possible.

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