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June 02, 2008

Hirp Doggy Dog

Sharon Stone is catching some hell for some retarded comments she made about the earthquake in China, and all I want to know is: who the hell thought it would be a good idea to ask Sharon effin’ Stone about China? Seriously, whatever paper that hack works for, should be shut down. A Pulitzer they won’t win, but they’re in serious contention for “Irrelevant Question of the Year.” The problem, isn’t that celebrities have an opinion on current events, is that we ask them what their opinion is. If that earthquake was karma, what was Basic Instinct 2? In fact the only karma may explain for Ms. Stone, is her career.


I’m not ashamed, I’m not denying it and I won’t lie about it. I saw Sex in the City, that’s right, I said it. Mock me all you want, I know you will, and I just don’t care. It isn’t that I’m some fan of the show, or thought it was a fantastic movie (it was pretty good though) I was interested in seeing the movie, because I wanted to see how they pulled off giving a television show it’s grand finale on the big screen. And I think they pulled it off. I occasionally watched the show, so I know how it was put together, and I wanted to see if the writers could stay true to that. Or if they’d do the cash in thing we’ve seen from every 70’s show that’s been remixed into a big budget piece of shit in the past six or seven years. Seeing that they pulled this off gives me confidence and hope, that just maybe we haven’t seen the last of Tony Soprano.


Lastly, we have a new editition to the family. And it’s a girl! That’s right, we got a dog. Pretty friggin’ great dog too. But the real fun is tonight, when the kid meets the dog for the first time. She has no idea we have her, so her reaction is going to be legen..wait for it..dary.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

And you give me shit for watching American Idol. I don't pay to watch that!