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July 30, 2006

"Aint no ballpark neither"

Interesting conversation I had this weekend. Went to the movies with a couple of friends, and at some point the debate of whether or not men and women had “leagues” came up. You know what I mean. Leagues, like a beautiful woman with a brain, good job ends up paired up with some dude of equal attractiveness, intelligence yadda yadda yadda. That’s right, leagues.

My friend, well she firmly believes there is no such league system. Knowing whom she married, I can see why. But, seriously folks I’m going to lend my two cents to the debate here. I think, without a question there are indeed leagues. For MOST men and women. As with anything, there are exceptions. It might sound shallow, it might actually be shallow. Then again, so are we all. On some level anyway. The fact that there are people, and typically its women, who will argue against the league system is something I blame Hollywood for. How many movies have we seen where the dork wins over the beautiful girl? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no upset about this. Truth is I’m looking to personally take advantage of this situation.

I believe that its human nature, to be attracted to someone who you have many common interests with. Including apperance. And fact is, looks are the first thing we notice. There was a line in the TV show House, where he said something along the lines of “nines marry nines, sevens marry sevens, and fours marry fours, you can go up or down 2 points but that’s it.” This is 100% true. And I think usually if these rules are broken its because of other factors. A beatuiful woman with a low self-esteem or some other hidden issues, goes for the five because she views herself as a five. Or the guy that’s a three lands the eight because his bank account has nine figures in it.

Want proof that it’s women who make the exceptions? Witness stupid ass shoes like Beauty and The Geek. Know why there isn’t a stud and a dud show? Because NO ONE would watch it. Not men, or women. Men who watch it, well for reasons other then their wives make them, watch it cause they want to be in the geeks penny loafers. Women watch it because they think its sweet or some bullshit. Flip the script? And it lasts shorter then Rob Lowe’s next post-West Wing mistake.

My friend states that if someone who is, well not of equal attraction, is able to showcase their best assets to the better looking half of the equation they can actually win them over. Horse shit. I tend to think I’m kind of witty, good with kids and trusted enough to dog sit for a few friends. None of that would be enough to get, oh Jennifer Aniston. Or Susan Radar. Hmm, gotta find her though and try. The biggest argument I face though in proving my case is, well the fact that every guy I know married out of his league. Thanks assholes.


Quick question for you. This also came from a conversation I had one night with the same couple. We’ve all made our lists of celebs but this is a tougher one. If you could marry any television or movie chrarecter, which would it be? It has to be the entire character. Not the actor or actress, meaning what they do for a living, their life style and anything else you know about THAT character. Ready, set..leave your answer in the comments section.


Porqchop said...

Elisabeth Shue's character in Adventures In Babysitting (or, "sticking" with the same actress, her character in Leaving Las Vegas for very different reasons)

Gregg said...

You're a strange guy.

TV-Helen Hunt from Mad About You, edges out Jennifer Aniston from Friends

Movie- Jennifer Aniston from Object Of My Affection..go ahead, tell me I'm gay for having seen it. She comes from a rich family, she's a teacher, has a great apartment in Brooklyn with a family place in the Hamptons. Yes, please.