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March 13, 2007


• Maybe you heard that John Popper, of Blues Traveler, was arrested. He was caught going 111mph, and in the car he had weed, four rifles, nine handguns, a Taser and night vision goggles in his car. I’m thinking maybe marijuana contributed slightly to him having such an arsenal. Call me crazy, but I think he might be a tad bid paranoid to be driving around with all that. I love that he had night vision goggles in the car. Does he think he’s a Navy SEAL?

• So Stallone got caught with steroids. Gee, who woulda thunked it? I don’t know about you, but I sure didn’t see that coming AT ALL. Next we’re going to find out that Britney has fake boobs or the Pussycat Dolls lip-sync. I’m willing to bet that there are more actors taking steroids than there are actresses with implants. Gotta check with my bookie and see if he’ll take that action.

• A sorority was kicked off of the campus of Depauw for, get this, accusations that only attractive and popular students were asked to remain after they punted two dozen members. Um, attractive and popular students, in a sorority? No freakin’ way! I know I wasn’t in school long, but it sounds like times sure have changed. C’mon! This is just dumb. Girls want to be in the most popular sororities with the reputation for having the best looking girls. So it was okay if they passed on ugly girls to start off with, but it’s wrong now that they upped their standards?

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Well... at least we now understand where the "traveler" part came from...