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March 15, 2007


In an attempt to remain an informed member of society, I like to watch shows other than sitcoms and dramas. Last night I caught a few minutes of Glen Beck and a few minutes of Larry King, both shows were talking about the monsters that molest children. Seems there’s a new proposed law to give all convicted sexual predators different color license plates to help identify them.

Well, I applaud the fact that lawmakers are thinking out of the box, but this is just dumb. These guys often claim victim after victim for years without getting caught, they aren’t stupid criminals who are sticking up 7 Eleven with a highlighter in their coat pocket. I’m pretty sure they can get around having a green license plate. This wouldn’t keep them from committing more crimes, if anything it would just end with them being victims.

Tell me, if you’re going down the highway and you come up behind a car with green plates, and you know it’s some child molester behind the wheel, can’t you see yourself wanting to run them off the road? Now maybe that should happen, maybe they deserve that. But then why have a legal system? (Although our fine President has given us more reasons of late to ask that question)

I tell ya, I used to be adamantly against capital punishment. So I don’t know if I’m just fed up, or if it has something to do with getting older and even more cynical, but after hearing the details recently about the piece of shit that molested a little girl and then buried her alive, well my first reaction was kill him. Before I always felt that hey, if someone commits a crime against your family, and you feel they should die for it. Then do it yourself, and face the consequences. That story changed my thinking. That guy should be buried alive with a rusty knife jammed down his pee hole.


Anyone else find it mighty odd that the 9/11 mastermind just decided to confess to the Government how he had planned 31 attacks, on the heels of two pretty big White House scandals? What, we’re supposed to believe he just felt like opening up? Interesting timing, that’s all I’m saying. Not that it could be part of a “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” or anything.


And since today kicks off March Madness, let it be known. I picked the Hawks. Three weeks ago I thought it would be Carolina, but I got the Hawks now. Rock Chalk!

1 comment:

BABarracus said...

As for the child molesters, instead of the scarlet letter (green license tags) or having them committed after they serve their prison term, I think you have to make the initial sentences more severe. Either life in jail or the death penalty. Doing otherwise just allows for a slippery-slope of reduction of personal rights and due process.