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March 29, 2007

Movie Time

There may not be an actor around today, who is as easy to like as Don Cheadle. The guy has quietly put together an amazing resume, filled with some of my favorite movies. Often he’s had some small, yet memorable role. But of late, he’s more the leading man or does a fantastic supporting job. Hotel Rwanda, Crash, Oceans 11, Traffic, Out of Sight, and smaller roles in Boogie Nights, Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead. Just love this guy, he’s just so easy to watch. Likeable like Denzel or Hanks, but not as forced. You know how those guys just sometimes seem to play the same character over and over? Cheadle doesn’t do that. There’s always a constant and believable struggle in his characters.

So when I first saw the previews for Reign Over Me, I was intrigued. Paired with Adam Sandler, who cracked me up with his comedies but really made a fan out of me with Spanglish, and directed by Mike Binder who did the underrated Upside of Anger, it had all the ingredients of a solid flick. Sprinkle in the 9/11 plot, and there was really no doubt that I’d see it. And I tell ya, it was very well done.

A little slow at times, along with a few un-necessary tugs on the heart strings, but over-all a very good movie. Sandler is another stand-up comedian who is probably better when doing dramas, like Robin Williams, Bill Murray, Tom Hanks (not sure if he counts as a former stand-up or not) Will Farrell and Steve Martin. So I suggest you check it out, although it won’t be a crime to wait for video. I say that only because it’s not a movie that needs to be seen on the big screen or in a hurry.

Last weekend I finally got around to seeing Blood Diamond, which I wish I had seen in the theatre. Luckily I did catch it on a big screen in a friend’s basement. I think I’ve finally forgiven Leo for doing Titanic. He was always a good actor, but after that his image overshadowed his work for a few years. His recent run of Catch Me If You Can, The Aviator, The Departed and Blood Diamond is almost De Niro-esque. The boy is really hitting on all cylinders now.

Diamond is a powerful movie, in a similar way as Hotel Rwanda and Sometimes It Rains In April. Only with enough action that it could have been a Harrison Ford movie. Only you know, back when he did viewable movies. Diamond, very easily could have been preachy and full of it self being that it’s a pretty intense yet unfamiliar topic, but it found a way to remain engaging. Seriously find yourself wondering about where it all comes from, and how sick it is that we value some piece of rock that so many suffer for. Not that I’m getting married, but if I were, I’d really have to consider an alternative for the ring. And not just because I’m cheap either.


Porqchop said...

Funny... I heard you saw Blood Diamond in a "poker buddy's" basement...

Gregg said...

No, it was a friend and her husbands house.

Porqchop said...

Hope they didn't charge you too much to watch it...

Porqchop said...

And nice plug for "getting married..." (by the way)