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April 24, 2006

All The Good Things

So I'm taking on a new project of sorts. And I'm really excited about it. My cousin Eric, has a new cd coming out in the near future and he asked me to help get the word out. Figured since I've been online a little bit the past few years, I might be able to help. And I think I can. It's gonna be great fun and quite a challenge to help promote something that he can't really tour to promote himself. For starters, family or not I don't think I would even be interested if I didn't believe it was the goods. Sure I always want to be supportive of family and friends but it helps that I really love what he's doing. So I have some ideas and as things move along, there will be updates on here.

Now another angle about this that excites me is much more personal. I've always been very proud and probably bragged about both of my cousins successes. They're two very talented and very cool cats. But at the same time, they cast a pretty long shadow. Not at all is intentional. I know this. But I've said it before, it's almost like being related to the Jewish Kennedy's. I've taken a good natured rubbing from friends over how come I haven't done anything on their scale. And this is a chance to play a part in what will undoubtedly be another great success.

"It might be beneath you but it's still hangin' over me" Eric Hirshberg

"You know, in a situation like this, there's a high potentiality for the common motherfucker to bitch out" Snoopy Miller, Out Of Sight

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