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April 11, 2006

Deal Breakers

A few years ago, a friend and I talked many times about out "deal breaker." Seemingly trivial things about the opposite sex that would end any chance of things moving forward. Now I know, most are thinking that the last thing I should be doing is limiting the dating pool. But this is serious stuff here. And away we go...

Nascar anything. Bumper sticker, hat, jacket, t shirt, pjs, underwear, tattoo. Any of those and hit the highway

Burping. Really any gas. So what, I try to convince myself that women don't have gas. Wait, strike that. I don't for one second believe women have gas. And this thing where girls burp and think its cute? Well it aint cute if I do it. And it sure as hell isn't cute if you do it.

Bush. W that is. Okay, you voted for him. That I could see past. But, if you still think it was the right call? Buh-bye. I respect someone that can stand by their choices, I do. But I respect someone more who can admit they fucked up. Get to steppin'

Tweety. Looney Tunes anything really. Call me shallow but really, if you're rocking a big tweety sweatshirt, chances are you either are two bills, or you soon will be.

Drive a Camaro or Trans-Am. If you drive either, you're a stripper. If you drive either and you're not a stripper, I just don't know what the hell you are. Don't let the door hitcha where the dog shoulda bit ya.

Kids names- You already have them picked out. Not a few names you like. But names that you MUST name your child. Look, IF I get married, and IF there ends up being kids, and IF those kids are actually mine. I'd like to at the very least be asked. I know the guy really has no say, and that's fine. But if from the get go, I know you won't even throw me a friggin bone here, peace out.

Things on the bubble. MU alum, drive a pick-up, ringtones of songs I can't even ignore, women who call their friends "girl"

And more to come I'm sure.


Porqchop said...

Bitter party of one please.

Gregg said...

What? that wasnt even bitter. That's just honest. sure its stuff you dont have ot think about, you married into a league above you

Gregg said...

I agree. BUT. That does mean someones always marrying down. So does that fact affect how we should perceive them? And I must say every guy I know has done a great job of marrying up. Bunch of idiots with dimes. Go figure, and thanks for giving me hope.

Porqchop said...

You'll find a nice boy someday NRJB... I promise.

Gregg said...

I'm afraid I could never find another you. But thankfully, I have you. Beyatch