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April 03, 2006

More beliefs

Soon I'll have enough on here for you to base a new religion around. And that's not even a bad idea. But pray for Plainsmoses.

More beliefs:
That you should break any law you want. As long as you can deal with what consequences you might face if you get caught.
That you shouldn't do the crime, if you can't get away with it.
That you are thinking I'm some criminal right now.
That the only laws I would never and could never break are crimes against children, sexual assaults and spousal abuse.
That everyone thinks of ways to get away with major crime.
That I am way to focused on crime today.
That pulling a prank on April Fools Day is the same as getting drunk on St Patty's Day.
That you shouldn't need a day to tell you to get drunk or pull a prank, the motivation should come from with in.
That they could make a great prequel to Rounders.
That there should be a sequel to Singles.
That there are too many femine hygiene commercials on TV.
That you never stop feeling something.
That you either hide from it, add new ones to it, get time and distance so you forget it.


Gregg said...

And in the herpees commerical. Its about supression, big's about denial, duh!

Porqchop said...

I'm calling the cops!

Gregg said...

Okay. Why?

Gregg said...

Pretty much.