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April 14, 2006

Amercan Morons Part Deux

So it's a slow Good Friday. And I have to stay late to answer the phones. Oh joy. Ran across this little article.

Friday, April 14, 2006
No more hog-dog fights in Alabama

More dog-related crime news:

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) -- Alabama joined Mississippi and Louisiana on Thursday in banning a backwoods fad that was growing in popularity along the Gulf Coast: trained dogs attacking penned wild hogs as spectators cheer the fastest dog.
The events, often called "hog-dog rodeos," involve putting a trained attack dog, usually a pit bull or American bulldog, in an enclosed ring with a wild hog that often has its tusks sawed off.
The dog chases down the hog and grabs its ear or another body part while spectators watch.
The events have been most prevalent in coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, but they have been found throughout the South.
The South Carolina-based International Catchdog Association says the events have been incorrectly portrayed by critics, and they are more like field trials for the dogs.

There's really not much I can say. What the hell did my brother move to Ala-fuckin-bama for?? They were pushing it when they call Nascar a sport. This why I think we messed up by winning the Civil War. Can we just give the south away?

"Everyone has an agenda. Everyone" Banky, Chasing Amy

"I could hide out under there, I just made you say underwear" Bare Naked Ladies

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