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April 04, 2006

"Back in the day"

Things I miss about being a kid:

Baseball cards- Hours of memorizing stats. Some I still remember
Atari-1 button joystick, any kind of game you wanna play
Saturday Morning Cartoons- When cartoons were drawn, not done on a computer
Fraggle Rock- GREAT show
Staying up late- So much fun, I still do it.
Ding dong ditching/TP'ing- Don't like someone? Bother their parents and wake em up, then RUN.
Scary movies-scared the Sh*t out of you
Seeing an R rated movie- Huge thrill. Gonna hear some f bombs? See a boob? Things that made me think maybe there is a god
Playing baseball/basketball- Copying my favorite players batting stance, head first dive into second base, post game pizza with friends.
The Mall- Hang out, sneak a peek at a playboy, check out MILFs..ok, still fun but now I'd be the creepy guy
Sleepovers- More fun now, maybe less frequent..but staying up late, eating cold pizza and watching Three Amigos was rad.

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