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April 29, 2006

Goodbye Ross

Ran across this indie movie at blockbuster tonight. Flick I had never heard of, and I'm pretty sure you haven't either. Duane Hopwood. No, that's not the name of a incoming freshmen center at KU. It's a movie staring David Schwimmer. You know, Ross Gellar. The annoying whinny one on Friends. A guy who I had penciled in for a nice post-Friends career that would have him working more as a director, writer and producer. But I think I was wrong.

Seems Mr Schwimmer took some notes from Jennifer Anistons career and this is his answer to The Good Girl. And really its part Good Girl with a mix of The Cooler, Leaving Las Vegas and a hint of American Beauty. And you don't ever get the feeling that you're watching Ross. A feat alone that proves he can go on to have a nice career.

David plays a guy of the same name as the title. Just a normal schmo who is dealing with a divorce (no, she didn't leave him for another woman) and you don't really know if he started drinking cause his wife left him, or if his wife left him cause of the drinking. Anyway, it starts off with him getting a DWI. Bad huh? Wait, no his daughter is asleep in the back of the car. So, you think complete asshole right? Nah. He really isn't. Horrible choice on his part. And as a result his ex-wife who he is still very much in love with, will move to have visitation rights taken away. The ex is played by Janeane Garofalo, and she has just met a new guy. John Krasinski of The Office, who looks the part of a guy from the shore. Expect big things from him in the future by the way. Excellent casting job. Some total surprises. Steve Schirripa of The Sopranos plays Duanes lawyer. With Dick Cavett as a concerned friend/neighbor. Anyway, Schwimmer is a guy who is barely holding on. And with all the things going on you couldn't blame him for a second if he did just snap and lose it. In fact, maybe he did. Maybe you just have to go rent it to find out for yourself. And you will. And not only will it be a great surprise of a movie, you'll be blown away by his performance.

And the fun fact of the movie? Written and directed by Matt Mulhern. Name doesn't ring a bell at all huh? Remember the great 80s John Cusak movie One Crazy Summer? This is Teddy Beckersted. The spoiled brat from the movie.

There is actual hope that the cast of Friends might be able to move on where so many other TV super star's failed. Well, 3 or 4 of them. And Matt LeBlac knew he had no chance of any thing more. Now I'm off to watch Steve Martin's Shop Girl.

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