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April 11, 2006

My two cents is free...

I don't know if you've followed the situation with the Duke Lacrosse team at all. If not, here's the cliffs notes version. Team has a party, hires some strippers. One later claims to have been raped. Team says it didn't happen. City of Durham torn on what happened. Team has entire season cancelled and coach resigns.

Well now it seems, from reports anyway, that the DNA recovered doesn't match anyone on the team. So a crime still may have been committed, the DA seems to think so. But now 46 guys will always have this label on them. And they all might be innocent. Maybe not completely innocent. But innocent of rape, which is probably the second most heinous crime in the books.

I've had this debate with a couple friends. One in particular doesn't seem to believe a woman would say it if it weren't true. Doesn't see why they would make up something like that. Well, for the same reason people do most things. Money. Green. Dividends. Casholla. Scrilla. Paper. You get my drift? Or it's a helluva way to get someone back who treated you in a way you felt you didn't deserve. And just one allegation will be stamped on someone's life forever.

Now I understand so many of these crimes go unreported, and that's a crime in itself. But every time one woman makes up a story. She's doing more damage to every actual victim out there. As well as victimizing the guy she accuses, who might be a first rate jackass but that's far from being a rapist.

But the media is as much to blame as the woman making the accusation. They go out and pretty much convict the guy in the eyes of the public before charges are even filed.

And a case like this, just raises more doubts, in my mind, in the cases of Tupac, Tyson and Kobe.

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