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April 02, 2006

The Long Awaited Top 10

10 Katie Holmes She could snap out of this Cruise thing, abort her alien baby and reclaim #2. It could happen

9 Emanuelle Chirqui E's girlfriend on Entourage

8 Jordana Brewster More reason to hate Derek Jeter

7 Debra Messing Hottest flat chested woman alive

6 Lindsay Lohan She goes back to being a redhead and keeps down a weeks worth of meals, she moves right back into the top 5

5 Eva Mendes The reason I rented Hitch. Shut up Porqchop.

4 Rachel Mcadams Zooming up the charts!

3 Jessica Alba Barely edged out of #2. But she's a top so many other lists.

2 Vanessa Miniiillo Even another reason to REALLY REALLY hate Derek Jeter, and a reason to admire Nick Lachey. Nice upgrade Nick.

1 Jennifer Aniston I'd give up the other 9 in a heart beat and list her 10 times. But I dont have to.

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