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April 20, 2006

Sleep to dream

Wow. This is impossible. I went to bed early enough, like 11:45. Didn't have much trouble falling asleep. Woke up at 6:30. But for some reason I can barely keep my eyes open. Literally, its a fight right now to stay away. I took my ritalin, that should wake me up faster than a vat of coffee. Yet my eye lids feel like they're sagging as much as Sharon Stone should be. I can't drink Mt Dew this early, always makes me feel like tossing my cookies. I've considered running out to my car for like a 10 minute nap. But there's always the chance of 2 things happening if I do that. Either I'll be so afraid that I'll actually be asleep for 2 hours or I actually will be asleep for 2 hours. Plus the guy sleeping in his car outside work? I don't wanna be that guy. That'd be F'in sad. I've tried slapping myself, no work. I'm ready to ask other people to slap me but I think a line might form. And all I want is to be awake, not bruised and bloodied. I'm going with upbeat music. Not doing anything. I figure if I just make myself type and type on here, sooner or later I'll wake the fuck up. Any suggestions? Cold water? Hmm.. I think I'll go try that.


Porqchop said...

I have a suggestion.. but it involves slapping, which you've already ruled out.

Porqchop said...

He really can't afford any more shrinkage.