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April 14, 2006

Amen Brother Chappelle

"SUFFERING and humans go hand in hand. Look at comedy: It's dominated by black people and Jewish people. That is American comedy. And if blacks and Jews didn't do comedy, we'd be relying on the Irish. 'Cause they were the next funniest thing" - Dave Chappelle, Esquire . . .

So went to lunch today with Drew. Saw something entertaining on the way. Bumper sticker that said "The 2nd amendment, the one that makes all the others possible" This guy also had his NRA sticker, and a confederate flag sticker on his MINI-VAN! Now first thing. Does he really think the fact that he can own some guns would keep the military and government from changing their minds and taking away our democracy? Um, partner. They have many more guns. Next. Go look up the word amendment.

Never mind, I did it for you. " The act of changing for the better; improvement:
. A correction or alteration, as in a manuscript.
. A statement of such an alteration or addition:"

See, by definition its a correction. And a correction, can later be changed or altered. In 1776 maybe it made sense. 2006? The last thing we need is more guns. Ask Dick Chaneys hunting buddies.

And to top it off, this Neanderthal had a mullet. Gotta love the Midwest.

"If fact is only what you believe then fact and fiction work as a team" Jack Johnson

"It's just like the saying, in the poker game of life women are the rake. They are the fucking rake" Rounders

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