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April 07, 2006

Good God...

It is Friday. It is 6:45 in the morning. I'm up, that isn't good news. I'm at work. Is Hirp just that dedicated you ask yourself? Well sure. Is he a morning person? Well thanks to Ritalin I can operate in the morning but no, not really a morning person. Although stragely enough, occasionally it is really nice to be up early. It smells nice outside this early. Even my car has a different smell to it. The streets are empty, that is very nice. And for the most part since starting this job, I'm here by 7, or 7:30. Except yesterday. I opened my eyes without my alarm going off, and in a state somewhere between sleep and being awake I noticed my room was light. Huh, my alarm hasn't gone off, why is it light? Oh well, back to sleep. Wait for alarm. So I don't know what time it was. Finally my eyes open again, might have been just a few seconds later. I'm not sure. Look at the clock. 8:45. Um. SHIT!!

I don't really have a time I HAVE to be at work at. Pretty much its 9am cause that's when I have my scheduled time to answer the phones. And I live oh, 20-30 minutes away from work depending on traffic. I'll give you time to do the math. Yep, 8:45 + 20-30 minutes. That's equals late. Hirp doesn't like being late. Not for anything. Appointments. Meeting friends. Movies. Dinner. Hearing someone is late on a menstral cycle. Okay, maybe an oil change. Just throws off my whole day, and makes me feel like I'm always behind.

I knew right then, that today I would be screwed. My internal clock would keep waking me to make sure I didn't oversleep. Up almost every hour on the hour after 3am. Not to mention it was gonna be a rough night of sleep for other reasons. Well I guess I just did mention that. I have friends who can just stroll in at anytime, not a worry. Me? If I think I might be on time, I'm stressed. I need to know I'm gonna be where I need to be. If it's getting close, I'm stressing. And stressin' aint no kinda fun. Anyway, time to do some work. The lesson for today? Being late bad. I think that's the lesson. Yep, learn that. It's the lesson.


Gregg said...

You did so cause I opened the door for you on my page...$275 please.

And no, my parents were always big on being on time

Gregg said...

Sure thing

Gregg said...

Porqchop does I'm sure