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April 12, 2006

Hirp Rant

I just threw up in my mouth. Checking out some headlines and I see that Muhammad Ali has sold 80% of the rights to his name and likeness to some marketing firm.

"This relationship with CKX will help guarantee that, for generations to come, people of all nations will understand my beliefs and my purpose," Ali said in a statement issued Tuesday by the company. "I am honored to be able to partner with CKX as they continue to grow."

First question. Did he actually say it, or does the company now get to just release statements with his name on them? Second question. These beliefs and purpose everyone can get to understand, does it start with W and end with hore?

What's the line from Pump Up The Volume, "All the great themes have been used up and turned into theme parks?" This is just sickening. A one time great American Icon, who stood for standing for what you believe in no matter if it means everyone spits on your name, the loss of your career, or even face prison. Has sold himself for 50 mil.

What's sad is this really isn't a big surprise or anything out of the ordinary. Everyone has a price. I do, you do, the guy down the hall, the girl at the bar. I guess every one always did. Just now it's out in open for all to see. The Beatles music is used in commercials, Che Guevara is a t-shirt, Paris Hilton is an icon. You become famous not just by being on TV but by outright just whoring yourself. Talent? Charisma? None of it matters. Just sell, and the public will buy. Look at Could be a decent way to actually meet cool people. But most of the girls have a pic of themselves half naked and the guys flexing. Idol, Real World, Apprentice they aren't even TV shows. Just really clever info-mercials. The irony? Some of the most creative things in pop culture today? Advertising.


Porqchop said...

C'mon... name your price. I know you have one.

Gregg said...

Sure I do. But it's damn high.