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April 25, 2006

We Got A Problem

Now I don't want to alarm anyone. But we're in serious trouble. I mean it's a funny story but really, we're fucked. See, I picked a friend up from the airport last night. And all these security checks and precautions they're taking don't do any good when you still have idiots involved.

Let me tell you what happened here. His flight gets in early. That's not the bad thing, that's just rare and worth sharing. But wait. They can't get to the gate to get off the plane cause there's a plane there that's about to leave. Tick tock, tick tock. Time passes (that's what the tick tock represented) Turns out this plane? Well there's a problem. It's a commuter flight, and there's another flight from the same airline, going to the same place at almost the exact same time and neither flight can leave. Why you may ask? Well, something got goofed when they boarded the flights. See, there's plane A and passengers who have tickets for that flight right? And plane B with it's own passengers and flight #. Some genius boarded the passengers for plane B onto plane A, and vice versa. Now these people need to see all kinds of ID and DNA samples before we can even GET IN TO THE GATE AREA. After that, they can just totally fuck up. That's comforting. So the flights were delayed while they had to swap luggage and paperwork. This is grrrreeeaaaat. I get losing a bag, that sucks. But people do screw up. And I can see it being confusing to have two flights from the same airline going to the same place at almost the same time. But C'mon! This isn't just one person making an oops. And if they can make a mistake like this, they'd probably let Bin Laden himself board a flight as long as he had ID on him.

Oh, and the story gets a little better. See, this friends initial flight was delayed. And the flight from NY to Chicago before his had been pushed back nearly two hours. Making it take off just 20 minutes before his scheduled flight. So they let him just take that flight instead. All he did was ask the person at the gate and was allowed on the earlier flight cause they had room.

Now onto something more fun. I like airports. I do, always have. I know a lot of people look at it as a pain in the ass, and yes it has some flaws. But it's a great place to people watch. Get to make up little stories in my head. Two people reuniting at the gate, aw its sweet. No, he totally cheated while he was gone and she was hoping he wouldn't even come back. But look at them put on a good show. This group, going to try and nail down the new client. And they're taking a rookie along. Oh, this group must be going on a cool vacation. Get to try and guess where they're going. Wish I was going some place cool. And it's one of the best places to watch women. Business women dressed to the nines, college co-eds wearing sweats and fuzzy slippers, you see it all.

"Now, a question of etiquette - as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch? " Tyler Durden Fight Club

"Drive slow homie, you never know homie, about these hoes homie, you need to pump your brakes and drive slow homie" Kanye West


Gregg said...

So what happend? did all women named Jessica forget how to post on their blogs? Dont be like other something!!:)

Porqchop said...

the airports are all run by former lenscrapper employees. we are fucked.