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April 21, 2006

'Round Here

So this is kinda sad. Saturday night the Counting Crows are playing the opening of the Legends Center out in KCK by the race track. Think I'm going but wow they fell fast and hard huh? From dating Jennifer Aniston AND Courtney Cox, then touring with John Mayer to now playing free shows in a parking lot? And still being confused with The Black Crowes?? It's not exactly a Love Hewitt fall off. They hung around for a while. But at this rate, won't be long till they do some stupid reality TV show.

It became kinda big, a few years ago, for old hair bands to tour together and get pretty big venues. How long till we see Counting Crows, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden out doing the great Grunge Revival Concert Tour? With a crowd of yuppies and homosexuals, which allows Porqchop the unique experience of belonging to two crowds at once.

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