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April 28, 2006

Been a long time...

So it's been a couple days since I posted. Sorry bout that kids. Mike V has been in town so we've been busy. Let's see, first we had to hit Jack Stack. He's been missing his BBQ and watching him eat there, was a riot. Pretty sure it was exactly how I was the last two times I went to New York and had to get pizza. To see someone salivating, unable to concentrate and acting like a 7 year old on their birthday is pure entertainment. And the kid put it away. I think he ate 7 or 8 pounds. After that, we hit Westport to find out what time "Thank You For Smoking" was playing and stopped off at a new bar for a drink. one80, although it looks like it's called onego so that's what we're calling it. Cool enough place. Then saw the flick. Now for like 13 years we've gone to movies together. And at some point it became an on going joke that two guys going to the movies together, must sit at least one chair apart. Well being that the place was pretty empty, we took it up a notch and actually sat across the aisle from each other.

As for the movie, definitely recommend it.

Yesterday we hit the K to catch the Royals. And good god is that a sad experience. This team is awful. God awful. Crowd was barely over 11,000. That's beyond pathetic. That's Montreal Expos level. Followed the game with meeting up with some other friends at the Falloon and drinking. A solid 6 hours. My texts that I sent last night, weren't pretty. It's hard to spell on a keypad that small while under the influence. I must have sounded like a MU grad or something retarded like that. All in all, good times. Nothing really entertaining to read about. But you read it anyway. Suckers.


Porqchop said...

why are you drinking urine?

Gregg said...

Called a Vegas bomb. Red bull, peach schnapps and malibu rum with a shot of crown