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April 03, 2006

Entourage v. Sopranos

Let me first state, I am not by any means comparing the two shows. Sopranos is by far, my favorite and therefore the better show. What I am taking a look at and trying decide, is which group of guys would I rather hang out with. So I'm going to peel back all the layers to get to the heart of this very profound question.

First, let's meet the main guys

Tony Soprano aka, T. The Boss of the Family. Mean but with a lot of heart.
Carmella Soprano. The Mrs. Nice lady, good mom yet a gold digger
Christopher Moltisanti. Provides great one liners, loves movies. Bit of a checmial dependency problem. Beats women.
Silvio Dante. Underboss, loyal friend. Pretty funny
Paulie Gualiteri aka Paulie Walnuts. Snake in the grass. Don't trust this sack of shit.
AJ Soprano. Youngest child to Carm and T, annoying brat
Meadow Soprano. Yowza. Cool dame, hottie. Dad owns MANY guns. Kills people. That's a negative.

Vincent Chase aka Vinny. Big headed, laid back new "It" boy in Hollywood. Lets his friends live off of him. Girls wanna be around him.
Eric Murphy aka E. Loyal friend, calls it as he sees it, good business sense. Knows how to make pizza.
Johnny Chase aka Drama. Older brother to Vinny, not much talent. Pretty much the punchline of the group.
Turtle. The funniest dude in the group. Loyal friend, guy who can "get things" Always up for a good time.

Life Styles:
La Cosa Nostra. Murder, extort, intimidate. Basically my life now.

Hollywood. Movies, parties, trips, chicks. Not what I do now

The Women:
Attention hungry, hot, easy, gold diggers who want to tell their friends about being with you


Attention hungry, hot, easy, gold diggers who want to video tape being with you. Won't get you killed, might get you a VD.

New Jersey, if NY is the heart of the country, Jersey is like the spleen.

From Queens, now in LA. Well, you can take the boy out of NY but not the NY out of the boy. So they bring Queens to LA, and that's much needed.

I gotta side with Entourage. The whole thing about not ending up in the pen or in the East River is a definite plus. Along with just a more laid back lifestyle. And famous chicks like Jessica Alba.


Porqchop said...

I knew where you'd end up after the first paragraph. It's all about the snack cake.

Gregg said...


Gregg said...

Well I guess we look at the idea of being on the cover of In Touch differently. Do you know how much shit I'd catch from my friends?

Gregg said...

Not even in a pic with Joaquin Phoenix?