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April 13, 2006

Global Warming??

So, it's April 13th and it's 90 degrees outside. 90. April. One more time, it's 90 in April. Now I didn't do real well in school but I do remember hearing something about there being four seasons. Is it just a Midwestern thing to have only three? Winter, shit, and hot as balls summer? That's not true. I think Spring was Monday to Wednesday of this week when it was perfect out.

Next weekend my buddy is coming to town, and we have plans to catch a Royals game, then the next day head to Lawrence to catch a KU Baseball game. Good times, very much looking forward to it. And after the KU game we're planning on going out in Lawrence. That's right, we're gonna be those guys pushing 30 at the college bars. Can I just tell you how excited I am for this? Rob Lowe would be proud. But last time I was with Mike and got drunk, I ended up punching a building in Chicago. Did I mention the building won? It's not that I'm a violent drunk. Truth is drunk hirp is a fucking blast. He doesn't come out often. But he's just fun, he's chatty and happy and you really don't know what he'll say next. Anyway, the building. It so started it! Punk ass. No, it was really the first time I had been drunk drunk, and I think I covered most of Chicago in my vomit. Not fun. Neither was being this stupid drunk in front of a pretty hot chick that was hanging out with us for the night. So it was more, pissed at self that I got myself sick. 11 screwdrivers+empty stomach+ridiculously low tolerance at the time= drunk/sick Hirp. We don't like him. And we haven't seen him since. We haven't even seen drunk Hirp in a while. He'll be out a lot next week. And he's a big fan of drunk dialing.

Anyway, I've decided to start something new. With every post, I'm going to include both a movie quote and line from a song. No real reason. Just cause I wanna. And you'll read it and like it damnit.

"All I got in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one" Tony Montana

"If you having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a bitch aint one" Jay Z


Porqchop said...

Every nook and cranny on my being is sweating as I type this.

Gregg said...

Well there's a bad visual.