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April 14, 2006

I'll house them

Tornado hits Iowa university
Tornadoes tore across the University of Iowa campus overnight, ripping roofs and walls off a sorority house and killing a man in a nearby town. "We don't have any reports of serious injuries, which is short of miraculous considering what some of the damage appears to be," University of Iowa spokesman Steve Parrot said. One man was killed 20 miles away when his mobile home rolled.

Really. If any of these sorority girls read this, and need a place to stay. I'll open my home to you. I'll be my Earl Hickey move. I'm just trying to be a better person.

"When a defining moment comes along, you define the moment... or the moment defines you. " Tin Cup

"I hate all girls with alterior motives, thats why I'm 20+ years old no sons no daughters, hear the hate in my voice, I hate that you notice" Jay Z


Porqchop said...

Since when didn't your blog allow anonymous comments? I had the prefect response from a freshly shaven 19-year-old Iowa student to post. And I even had a good fictitious name for him.

Gregg said...

Kendall? Thats the gayest name I can think of