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April 25, 2006

"Is you kidding me or what mang?!"

Words said by Tony Montana. Aka Scarface. Pretty fitting here. So, here's the latest drama in as the Hirp turns. Phone rings last night. Girl I had been talking to and gotten pretty interested in and I thought kinda close with over the past 2+ years and even more so the past three months or so. But then she had suddenly stopped talking to me. No nothing. Something that had happened in the past, and a situation I'm not a fan of. Anyway, my faithful readers know the situation pretty well. But I'm stuck in a bit of a conundrum if you will, do I listen to an explanation she says I am owed? Or blow it off and go out drinking all weekend with V as per the plan? I'm thinking both. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, or just a sick sadomasochist. But, I've said it before. I'd rather have a big fight with someone and have TOO much said rather than nothing said at all. Ideally I'd be adult about it, speak calmly and just say what's on my mind. You know, how an adult is supposed to ask. But with me, I get a bit heated sometimes and can be kind of abrasive. Really. Pretty sure I'm leaning towards getting the explanation and going from there. I really think feelings don't go away. Friends or whatever. If you liked someone, respected them or what have you, that's still there. It may just have more recent feelings on top of it that cover up, for better or worse, what you used to feel. Often enough it's the right thing, to let the newer feelings or what have you take precedent. So, wow this blog just took a turn to a teenage girls diary. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

"I planned each chartered course, each careful step along the by way and more, much more than this I did it my way" Frank

"You gotta boil it down to the essentials. It's like Cube says, "Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money." " Jay, Chasing Amy


Porqchop said...

Dude. You know where I stand on this.

Gregg said...

The fact my spelling was as close to right as it was is actually impressive. First drink at 130, and what time did you get a text at? Tellin you, drunk Gregg is great fun.

Gregg said...

The fact my spelling was as close to right as it was is actually impressive. First drink at 130, and what time did you get a text at? Tellin you, drunk Gregg is great fun.