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April 02, 2006

More Hirp Questions

Has anyone had a career disappear faster than Jennifer Love Hewitt?
Until Tom Cruise started brain washing Katie Holmes?
Has there ever been a bigger poster child for good light/bad light then Jessica Sarah Parker?
Should I take the stress test given by the scientologist on the plaza?
Or should I relieve some stress and commit a hate crime against them?
If Barry Bonds was white, would his alleged steroid still be a huge deal?
Why did we talk about Bill Clintons sex life more than the fact our current VP actually shot someone?
Does the movie Swingers have any flaws? Even one?
Now that the creatorts of Scrubs have a show called teachers, can we expect a "Sprint Provisioners" to hit NBC in less than 5, or less than 3 years?
Who would be more fun to hang out with, Vince Ari and the gang, or Tony and his?
Is there something wrong with me for pondering that? Does that deserve it's own post? I think so.
Why do girls hand those beads on their rear view mirror?
I dont believe you earned them in New Orleans. Prove it. Idiot.
Am I the only one who will drive 5 miles past my exit just to figure out a personalized license plate? Then get mad when I'm dissapointed in it?
Who needs more help with picking roles, Nic Cage, Robert Deniro, Ashley Judd, or Samuel L Jackson?
Is Ben Stiller mad that Stever Carrol took his career?
Is Ben Stiller mad that Paul Rudd took away the left over parts?
If you were married to Christine Taylor, could you ever be mad?
When did courting become stalking?


Gregg said...

Let us all take a moment to read the following post from Shoepho. I just think it's important

Gregg said...

Insult? I didn't even.