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April 04, 2006

Reasons to like being an adult

So the network is on the fritz again. I think I'm posting TOO often now. Oh well, deal with it.

Video games, no more waiting for mom to take me to get one.
Staying up late, not getting yelled at for it.
Sleep overs. Maybe not frequent enough, no more cold pizza.
Cleaning up my room. Cause I wanna.
Sit as close the tv as I want. Although I dont, my ass stays on the couch.
Music. Played at any volume I want.
No curfew.
Cause I said so is now a reason I can use.
No book reports.
I don't have to sneak into R rated movies.
I can say "Fuck" a lot
I can drink as much soda or chocolate milk as I want.
McDonalds, whenever I feel like it.
Vegas beats the hell out of Disney.
Saying "fuck" is fun.
Beer or root beer, finally a choice.


Gregg said...

Oh definately. That was probably gonna be a future post. Bills, fucking bills. Groceries and cooking, not really anything I have to deal with though:) And laundry, I've since moved on to paying for that to be sad is that?:)

Gregg said...

I'm trying to think, does anything come close to bills as being the worst thing about being an adult? Remember when allowence was just money you could waste? CDs, movies, games, and well probably shoes for you two..then you got to high school, had to pay gas, maybe buy some clothes and pay car insurance..that was a taste

Then you move out. And rent, electricity, gas, water, cable, internet, hookers, std tests, child support, lawyer fees, cell phone all just sucks

Gregg said...

Where do you think I met her??

Gregg said...

Who said anything about date??

Porqchop said...

Who said it was a girl?