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April 06, 2006

To Be A Guy...

We've heard from the women. We know what they like, dislike about being women. So, now it's time to hear why it's great to be a guy.

Two guys can have an entire conversation and never use more than one word responses. Sup. Nothing. You. Chillin. Cool. Wanna? Xbox? Yeah. Madden? uh huh. Ok. Bitch. You. Fag.

If a guy has any sense of style, he gets tons of credit. Women grade on a curve. Thank you.

Never hear a guy ask "does this make my ass look big?"

We get paid more.

Being forced to watch a chick flick, usually has some pretty good upside. And at the very least, we get to see a hot chick and learn some valuable info about you odd creatures. Some info we may never apply to anything but, we know it.

1 Wallet.

90% of movies, advertising and tv shows are made to entertain us. We dont need one or two channels, we have the rest.

Remembering a birthday or something significant isn't expected, therefore we get points if able to accomplish.

Haircuts take less than an afternoon, cost less than feeding a family of 8.

Soap and shampoo are the only products needed to bathe.

Women dress to impress us. Not realizing we're pretty easily impressed. But we do appreciate the extra effort

And we can pee standing or sitting.


Porqchop said...

Can't believe you shared one of our private conversations. Fag.

Gregg said...

Ha. I didnt mean I get paid more than you. i mean in general, men make more for the same job

Gregg said...

At which point we no longer feel guilty. A, you walked away. B, we get another view we like