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April 05, 2006

Well at least I admit it.....

So, trying to come back today with something funnier or at the very least, more fun to read then the previous post. And although I'm not feeling all that funny today. I did think of something. Let me explain just how shitty men are. And I'm going to use myself as an example.

So at court today, I noticed a woman. Okay, that's not even true. A few. But one really made me do a double take. And she had on a pair of boots that could almost give someone a shoe fetish.

But let's look at the facts. I'm at a court house, possibly the most depressing place on the planet. No one, other than a lawyer, is happy to be there. I'm there for a family issue. And I'm still noticing women? The funny part was later when my nephew and I both checked someone out, and he laughed cause he caught me.

See, we're pigs. But in our defense, it's not a choice. And in my defense, it's not like I actually hit on anyone. I just can't imagine answering the "so how'd you guys meet" question.


Gregg said...

You mean the river in egypt?

Gregg said...

Come cover ACD for me like you said you would

Gregg said...

It's ok, im gonna accidentally leave it on not ready for a while:)

Gregg said...

Duh. I figure for the next 2, maybe 3 weeks I can make all kinds of mistakes and say "thats what jess told me to do"

Gregg said...

More reason to like being a girl huh? damn technology

Gregg said...

And the fact that you're proud of that is whats funny. no guy would be ilke woohoo, I worked a coffee machine by myself:)

Gregg said...

well, i woke up at 845! whoops

Gregg said...

Yep, will be a future post..i HATE being late

or when a baby mama says those words to you..shivers